TELCO services

TELCO services

Unified API for TELCO services

PHP | NodeJS | API | Postgresql | Memcached
Administration platform for application development, vendor management and communication


Our client, the telecommunications company, has a need to frequently change the functionalities of their mobile applications. Almost all the upgrades required complete dependency on vendors, resulting in lack of control over the application administration and development, delays, increased security risks (vendors had access to internal services of the mobile operator), and higher costs.


After diligent analysis of the client’s business model, needs and processes, our team came up with the solution that is founded on standardized control of the communication platform. The platform is fully controlled by the client and it is based on a unified API that integrates internal, and especially external communication with the vendors for mobile app development.

In practical terms, through a unified and standardized API, vendors are now required to develop new mobile apps and their features in accordance to specific standards set by the client. Through the custom made, web-based application admin panel, the operator now has full control over each functionality, design and upgrade of the existing and new mobile apps.

Technology stack:

PHP | Nodejs | API | Postgresql | Memcached

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