CRM/CDP platform

CRM/CDP platform for Financial industry

Python | Django | PostgreSQL | Kafka | ElasticSearch


Our client, a financial company has the need to increase retention and outreach to their potential and current customers. Frequent trend changes in the financial industry require swift and precise decisions from our clients in order to maintain competitiveness in that sector.


After thorough analysis of the client’s business model, needs and processes, our team came up with the solution that is founded on the symbiosis of customer relationship management and customer data platform. Using extensive CDC (change data capture) pattern with Kafka as our main event-stream bus to secure high throughput, consistent and real-time data processing.

In practical terms, this included the integrations with social media platforms, payment processing vendors, third party communication providers and more. Combining complex backend services with client-facing UI, our client was able to segment their customers based on their behavior and create targeted marketing campaigns to increase their digital presence and revenue.

Technology stack:

Python | Django | PostgreSQL | Kafka | ElasticSearch | React | AWS

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